Saturday, August 1, 2009

Catching up a bit....

Today is a big day for Stellar. He had his first solids. Rice cereal mixed with banana and he LOVED it! This picture is his messy face before his bath. He actually is a very neat eater.

Naked Bath time! I love his bath time he is so cute I want to bite his face....heheheh
Steve will sit and watch tv and prop Stellar up beside him and it is so funny cause Stellar will watch tv with his daddy. So cute. Love it so I had to of course take a picture!
This year we went on a week long trip up north to Ferragut State Park. It was Steve's step mothers family reuinon they have every year and they invited us. Stellar was great as always. It was a 8 hour trip up there... sheesh. It was beautiful.
This is Uncle Dan and Stellar. Everyone loved him and passed him around like the flu.

This is Steve's dad, Sam his cousin, and Brooklyn his niece. Obviously not ready for a picture :)
This is Steve's step mother Lynda, Savannah and his sister Ashley. We all spent a lot of time just hanging around and enjoying eachothers company.
This is Stellar at about 13 weeks old. Sitting in his high chair for the first time. Its nice to have when I am cooking. Slap a few toys on it and he can bat at them for hours.
So the Riley's have a tradition they do every year on the 4th of July. They go up to Oakley, Utah to their parade and give out free chilli verde breakfast burritos. They usually give out around 300 every year footing the cost them selves. It was fun to go this year and see the action. This is Steve and his cousin Trevor in the action.


Awesome Andrew said...

i can't believe stellar is 13 weeks ! so crazy! he's so stinking cute i would want to bite his face too! haha! you guys sure made a cutie!

Sims Mom said...

I miss Stellar!

Ash said...

Fun update...he is getting so big!